ISSN 0351-8892 (Штампано издање)
ISSN 3009-4666 (Online)
UDC 81’25
Часопис за традуктологију и сродне области
Удружење научних и стручних преводилаца Србије
За издавача:
Драгић Вукићевић
Покренут 1982. године
Главни уредник:
Од 88. свеске: проф. др Милена Ивановић
Од 1. до 87. свеске: Зоран Р. Јовановић
11000 Београд, Кичевска 9
Дизајн и одржавање сајта: SCRYPTEQ
Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia, 9 Kičevska St, Belgrade
Time for the presentation: 15 minutes
Welcome Address: TBC
Keynote Presentation: Borislava Eraković (University of Novi Sad) – Building a Public Discourse on Translation and Interpreting in Serbia: Insights from the Association of Scientific and Technical Translators and Interpreters (ASTTI) and the Journal Prevodilac (1960–1991)
- Ishizuka Hiroyuki (Hiroshima Shudo University), Kayo Matsushita (Rikkyo University) – Segmentation of Source Speech during English-Japanese Simultaneous
Interpreting: A Basis for Progressive Processing
Chairs: TBC
- Sara Orthaber, Aleksandra Nuč Blažič (University of Maribor) – Challenges and Training Needs in Public Service Interpreting: Insights from the ReTrans Project in Slovenia *online
- Anastasios Ioannidis (Ionian University) – Exploring Professionalism in Public Service Interpreting in Greece: Insights from a Mixed-Methods Approach *online
- Xueting Dignam, Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin) – Mapping the professionalisation of public service interpreting: a scoping review
- Fernando Prieto Ramos (University of Geneva) – Keeping Language Human: The impact of neural machine translation on institutional translation: the case of international organizations
- Francesc Galera (Autonomous University of Barcelona) – Keeping Language Human: Translators as Key Assets in Major Organizations
- Laura Martinez Urtiaga (independent researcher) – Audiodescription as a didactic resource in Translation Studies: reinforcing translatological competence through media accessibility tools
- Hicham Boughaba (Abdelmalek Essaadi University) – Teaching Translation with Artificial Intelligence: the case of King Fahd School of Translation
- Svetlana Milivojević Petrović (University of Belgrade) – The Didactics of Translation and Specialised Language Teaching
Chairs: TBC
- Katerina Vidova (International Slavic University “St. Nicholas”), Svetlana Trajkovska (independent researcher) – Idioms in „The Forty Rules of Love“: A Novel of Rumi through the prism of translators and their translation strategies in Serbian and Macedonian
- Carmen Pena, Raquel Lázaro (University of Alcalá), Marta Cortés, Fe Amalia García-Santiago (Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid) – The Perception of Intercultural Communication with Languages of Lesser Diffusion in Healthcare
- Jasmina Đorđević (University of Niš) – Serbian to Albanian translation in private legal documents: Indirect translation as a translation strategy *online
- Tatsiana Haiden (University of Copenhagen) – Translation culture as an alternative to the field theory in translation studies *online
- Monika Šavelova (University in Nitra) – Political and diplomatic translation in Slovakia: didactics vs. practice *online
- Miloš Đurić (University of Belgrade) – Translating the Conceptual Language Material in Electrical Engineering Register: A Relevance-Theoretic Case Study of Electrical Discharge in Gases
- Mohammed Al-Batineh (United Arab Emirates University) – Beyond Words: A Multimodal Corpus Analysis of Arabic-English Food Menu Localization
- Ivana Gligorijević (University of Belgrade) – Arabic Localization of Top Eleven video game
- Beata Piecychna (University of Bialystok) – The traumatised translator: on vicarious traumatisation in the translation industry, online
- Xiaoyan Tan (University of Warwick) – Writing and Translating across Power Differentials: Paratextual (Re)framing of Two Chinese-British Diaspora Memoirs
Closing remarks