ISSN 0351-8892 (Printed edition)
ISSN 3009-4666 (Online)
UDC 81’25
Journal for traductology and related fields
Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia
For the publisher:
Dragić Vukićević
Launched in 1982
Issue 88 onwards: Prof. Milena Ivanović, PhD
Issues 1 – 87: Zoran R. Jovanović
11000 Belgrade, 9 Kičevska Street
Website designed and maintained by: SCRYPTEQ
The instructions for preparing a manuscript for printing can be downloaded by clicking the following button:
Instructions for authors
Instructions for preparing a manuscript for printing
The journal Prevodilac is a scholarly periodical that publishes original scholarly papers in the field of theory, practice and didactics of translation and related disciplines. In the section Reviews and Critiques, scholarly critiques and reviews of the latest editions in the field of translation and contrastive linguistics are published. Special periodic sections are reserved for the chronicle, bibliography and glossary.
The journal Prevodilac accepts papers that have not been previously published or offered for publishing to another publication, and authors who offer a manuscript for publication guarantee that it represents their original contribution, that it has not been published before, and that it is not being considered for publishing elsewhere. If a paper was presented at an academic conference or is part of an academic research project, information about it needs to be mentioned in a note at the bottom of the first page of the article.
Authors are obliged to adhere to ethical standards related to academic research work. Plagiarism (unauthorised or unreferenced use of someone else’s ideas or words) and self-plagiarism constitute gross violations of academic ethics.
Papers are published in Serbian, languages of the region, as well as in the world’s major languages. Manuscripts have to be grammatically, orthographically and stylistically correct. For submissions in Serbian, The Orthography of the Serbian Language by M. Pešikan, J. Jerković and M. Pižurica (Novi Sad: Matica Srpska, 2010) shall be used, and the script of the papers is Cyrillic. For submissions in other languages, the corresponding valid orthographic norms shall be used.
Studies and discussions can be between 12,000 and 32,000 characters (with spaces), sent electronically in Word format (*.doc) to the addresses and/or Reviews and articles for the Chronicle section can be up to 8,000 characters.
Along with the paper, the author encloses a short note about himself/herself in Serbian and English, as well as an authorship declaration.
The journal Prevodilac is published twice a year, in June and December. The deadline for submissions for the first issue is March 15, and for the second issue, September 15.
Each paper will be reviewed by two competent referees. The peer review process is double-blind. The author will be notified whether the paper has been accepted for publication within three months after receipt of the manuscript.
The elements of a paper shall be listed in the following order:
1. Author information, in the same language as the paper (for each author, if there is more than one): first and last name of the author, affiliation (in the form of the name of the author’s institution, including all organisational levels – for example: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology, Department of Oriental Studies), e-address (if there is more than one author, the address of only one author is stated). The position and title of the author are not stated. The information about the author of a review is provided at the end of the review.
2. Paper title: it is indicated in capital letters in the same language as the paper. If a paper was created as part of an academic research project, the name and number of the project are stated in a note at the bottom of the page, which is linked to the title of the paper with an asterisk. If an article, in its previous version, was presented at a conference in the form of an oral communication (under the same or similar title), it is accepted provided that it has not been published yet, and the information about this should be stated in a special note at the bottom of the page, which is linked with an asterisk (two asterisks, if a note related to an academic research project is provided) to the title of the article.
The title should describe the content of an article as truly as possible and preferably contain words suitable for indexing and searching. A subtitle can be added to the title.
The title of a review can be a bibliographical reference.
The title of a submission for the Chronicle section can be the name of the conference presented, including the dates when the conference was held.
The title of a submission for the Glossary section should contain the subject of the glossary and the languages covered (e.g.: “Basic Foreign Trade Terminology (Serbian-English)”).
The title of a submission for the Bibliography section should reflect the content of the submission, and if the bibliography is limited in time, it is also necessary to indicate the time-span in which the bibliographical references included in the text were published (e.g.: Bibliography of the Journal Prevodilac (1982-2021)”).
3. Abstract (up to 200 words) and key words (up to 10) in the same language as the paper. The abstract is a concise informative statement of the content of an article, preferably containing terms that are often used for article indexing and searching. Integral parts of the abstract are the research aim, methods, results and conclusion. The keywords or phrases should refer thematically, theoretically and methodologically to the content of the article. The abstract and keywords are mandatory elements of submissions for the Studies and Discussions section.
4. The abstract (up to 200 words) and the keywords (up to 10) must be written in English, or in Serbian, if the paper is in English. The abstract and the keywords are mandatory elements of submissions for the Studies and Discussions section.
5. Main text of the paper. The introductory part of the main text should contain the objective of the research, theoretical and methodological framework, overview of previous research. The final part of the main text must necessarily contain the summary of findings and the conclusions of the research.
6. Literature cited: it is listed in a separate section under the title LITERATURE, separately for the literature in Cyrillic and in Latin. For papers written in Serbian, the literature in the Cyrillic script is listed first in Cyrillic alphabetical order by surname of the author, followed by the literature in the Latin script, in Latin alphabetical order by surname of the author. For papers written in English, the order is reversed. Bibliographic units listed in Cyrillic characters must be transliterated into Latin characters (instructions are given below). Papers by the same author are listed chronologically. If the papers by the same author were published in the same year, they are listed in Cyrillic/Latin alphabetical order by title. The literature cited is a mandatory element of submissions for the Studies and Discussions section.
7. Summary: first name and last name of the author, title of the paper (Summary is written underneath the title), text of the summary, keywords. If the paper is in Serbian or any of the languages of the region, the summary can be written in a world major language, preferably in English, with the obligatory attachment of the summary text also in the language of the paper. If the paper is in another foreign language, the summary is in Serbian. The summary cannot be a translated abstract and should not exceed 10% of the length of the main text. Mandatory parts of the summary are the research objective, methods, findings and conclusions. The keywords are indicated in italics. The summary is a mandatory element of submissions for the Studies and Discussions section.
8. Attachments (photographs, pictures, tables, etc.) are submitted separately, marked with a number, and the order of attachments is indicated in the main text (Attachment 1, Attachment 2, etc.).
9. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to check spelling and grammar is allowed. It is not allowed to use AI for summarising professional literature, drawing conclusions and paper writing. If during the research and writing of the paper some AI tools were used for purposes other than checking spelling and grammar, the authors are obliged to state which tool they used and for what purpose.
Special instructions:
1. Text formatting: font type is Times New Roman, font size 12pt, spacing 1.15. The font size of footnotes, abstracts with keywords and lists of cited literature is 10pt. Margins are according to the standard (default), the first line of the paragraph indented with a 1 cm tab, double-sided alignment (Justified). No pagination.
2. Fonts not conforming to the Unicode standard must be sent by e-mail as a separate attachment to the paper. Such papers are sent in *.pdf format.
3. Titles of separate publications mentioned in a paper are written in the same language in which the publication was published and highlighted in italics. If needed, the translation of the title into the same language as the paper can be indicated in a footnote.
4. Titles of individual papers published in a separate publication are given in a paper in quotation marks. If needed, the translation of the title into the same language as the paper can be indicated in a footnote.
5. In papers in Serbian, foreign names outside parentheses are transcribed according to the rules of The Orthography of the Serbian Language, and in parentheses in their original form.
6. In papers in Serbian, quotations are enclosed in double quotation marks „…“, and quotations within quotations in single quotation marks ‘…’, while in papers in other languages the appropriate orthography needs to be observed when quoting.
7. Quotations can be given in same the language as the original, or translated, with obligatory reference to the translation.
8. Footnotes are inserted and numbered automatically (References – Insert Footnote). Bibliographical information about publications cited in the text is not mentioned in the footnotes.
9. In respect of submissions for the Glossary section, authors should adhere to the following instructions
а) Glossaries contain terms of a specific narrower or broader specialised area. A bilingual or multilingual glossary may also contain general vocabulary used in the selected area.
b) Glossaries can be bilingual or multilingual. Exceptionally, in the case of the latest terminology, a glossary can be monolingual, that is, it can only contain the interpretation of the terms in the same language.
c) Terms are listed in Cyrillic/Latin alphabetical order, depending on the source language. If a glossary is dedicated to a wider area, it can be divided into sub-areas, and within each of them the terms are further arranged in Cyrillic/Latin alphabetical order.
d) Terms are listed in the table – one column for each language, with the terms of the source language listed in the first column.
e) A term can be a word or phrase, whereby it is preferrable to list phrases next to the main word, and not according to the first word of a phrase. If a term has several equivalents, it is preferrable to list the phrases that reflect the use of each equivalente) A term can be a word or phrase, whereby it is preferrable to list phrases next to the main word, and not according to the first word of a phrase. If a term has several equivalents, it is preferrable to list the phrases that reflect the use of each equivalent.
f) If a lexeme also has a non-terminological meaning, or has several meanings related to different professional areas, the equivalents are listed only for the subject area of the glossary.
g) An integral part of glossaries is a short description, between 1,800 and 2,700 characters. The description should include a review of the specialised terminology of the given area, methodology of choosing terms, sources of the material, target group, innovation in relation to the already existing glossaries or dictionaries, difficulties in translating specialised terminology, and so forth.
10. When preparing submissions for the Bibliography section, be guided by the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). It is preferrable that the bibliography is accompanied by a shorter introductory text, between 1,800 and 2,700 characters, in which the preparation methodology, target group, innovativeness of the bibliography, etc. will be stated.
Citation of references
1. In a text:
а) referring to a monograph as a whole (Драгићевић 2018) or a study as a whole (Halverson 1997);
b) referring to a specific page or several adjacent and non-adjacent pages (Драгићевић 2018: 139, 141, 143–144);
c) referring to studies by the same author from the same year (Драгићевић 2018a), (Драгићевић 2018b); referring to studies by the same author from different years – in chronological order (Драгићевић 2016; 2018);
d) referring to a study of two authors (Пипер – Клајн 2014: 220-221); when referring to a study written by multiple authors, only the last name of the first one is mentioned with the use of the abbreviation: and others/et al. (Пипер и др. 2005: 101), (Snell-Hornby et al. 1994: 67); simultaneous reference to papers of two or more authors (Драгићевић 2018; Bugarski 1990; Пипер – Клајн 2014);
e) manuscripts are cited according to foliation (e.g. 2а–3b), and not according to pagination, unless the manuscript is paginated.
2. Cited literature is given in a separate section titled LITERATURE. In this section, only the literature that is cited or paraphrased is listed.
Under each reference that is not given in the Latin alphabet, indicate in square brackets its transliteration into Latin characters. Automatic transliteration should be done at the following address: (this example is given for the Russian language). For references in the Latin alphabet, it is not necessary to provide transliteration.
An example of citing a reference like this:
Драгићевић Рајна. Српска лексика у прошлости и данас. Нови Сад: Матица српска, 2018.
[Dragićević Rajna. Srpska leksika u prošlosti i danas. Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 2018.]
The literature is cited as follows:
а) book (one author):
Драгићевић Рајна. Српска лексика у прошлости и данас. Нови Сад: Матица српска, 2018.
b) book (multiple authors):
Пипер Предраг, Клајн Иван. Нормативна граматика српског језика. Нови Сад: Матица српска, 2013.
c) Secondary authorship (thematic collections, conference proceedings, etc.):
Thematic collections:
Пипер Предраг (ур.). Когнитивнолингвистичка проучавања српског језика: зборник радова. Београд: САНУ, 2006.
Goldstein Laurence (ed.). Brevity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Швейцер Александр Д. (ред.). Текст и перевод. Москва: Наука, 1988.
Conference proceedings:
Parezanović Tijana i Solujić Božana (ur.). Jezik, književnost i budućnost. Deseta međunarodna naučna konferencija, 24. i 25. septembar 2021. Beograd: Alfa BK Univerzitet, 2021.
d) paper in a journal:
Halverson Sandra. “The Concept of Equivalence in Translation Studies”. Target 9:2 (1997): 207-34.
e) paper in a collection of papers:
Драгићевић Рајна „Испитивање концептуализације љутње“. Пипер Предраг (ур.). Когнитивнолингвистичка проучавања српског језика: зборник радова. Београд: САНУ, 2006: 97–119.
f) newspaper article:
Avalić Gorica. „Ko je, bre, prevodio ove filmove“. Blic 20. 12. 2015.
g) dictionary:
РСКИНЈ: Речник српскохрватског књижевног и народног језика (ред. Стевановић Михаило). Књ. 1–. Београд: Институт за српскохрватски језик, 1959–.
h) phototype edition:
Новаковић Стојан. Српска књига: њени продавци и читаоци у XIX веку. Београд, 1900. Београд: Народна библиотека Србије: Универзитетска библиотека „Светозар Марковић“, 1982.
i) manuscript material:
Николић Јован. Песмарица. Темишвар, 1780–1783: Архив САНУ у Београду, сигн. 8552/264/5.
j) publication available online:
Гарбовский Николай. Перевод как художественное творчество. 27.04.2020.
After the Literature section, possible sources may be listed under the title SOURCES in a separate section, according to the same principles of bibliographical description used in the LITERATURE section.